sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2010

Bolo Pecã, Melaço e Bourbon

Bolo delicioso...
Delicieux gâteau...(Demandez la recette en Français)
Delicious cake...(Ask for the recipe in English)

Ingredientes para o bolo

3 1/4 xícaras farinha de trigo peneirada
2 colheres de chá de fermento em pó
3/4 colher de chá de sal
1 xícaras de açúcar
1 xícara de açúcar mascavo
1 xícara de manteiga sem sal, em temperatura ambiente
1 colher de chá de extrato de baunilha
4 ovos grandes
1 1/2 xícara de leite integral
1 xícara de pecãs, torradas, picadas finamente
1/4 xícara de xarope de milho (Karo e afins)
1/4 xícara de melaço de cana
1/2 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio

Ingredientes da calda

2 colheres de chá de água
1 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
2 xícaras de açúcar
1 xícara de creme de leite fresco
1 xícara de manteiga sem sal
2 colheres de chá de xarope de milho
2/3 copo de bourbon

Modo de preparo do bolo

Pré-aqueça o forno em temperatura média. Unte com manteiga uma assadeira média
com furo no meio. Em um tigela, coloque a farinha de trigo, o fermento e o sal. Em
outra, bata com batedeira o açúcar normal e o mascavo, a manteiga e a baunilha até se
tornar uma mistura cremosa. Incorpore os ovos, um por vez. Jogue dentro desta tigela,
aos poucos, a mistura de farinha de trigo, alternando com o leite. Coloque metade
desta massa na forma untada. Em outra tigela, coloque as pecãs, o xarope de milho,
o melaço e bata, com batedeira, até misturar bem. Incorpore o bicarbonato. Jogue essa
mistura na metade restante da massa e bata, novamente. Coloque delicadamente sobre
a massa já na forma. Asse em forno médio por cerca de 45 minutos ou até inserir um
palito de fósforo no centro do bolo e este sair seco.

Modo de preparo da calda

Misture 2 colheres de chá de água e o bicarbonato de sódio em uma tigela pequena e
mexa até dissolver. Numa panela, coloque o açúcar, a manteiga, e o xarope de milho
e leve ao fogo alto — mexendo sempre — até que o açúcar e a manteiga derretam.
Reduza o calor, adicione a mistura de bicarbonato e ferva, sem esquecer de mexer, até
que vire uma calda espessa e dourada (cerca de 8 minutos). Retire do fogo, adicione o
creme de leite e o bourbon.


Assim que o bolo esfriar, desenforme-o em um prato e coloque a calda quente sobre ele.
Deixe esfriar antes de comer.

quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010

Villa Zzi - Due

Segundo volume da série "Villa Zzi", fiel a vários estilos e mantendo o motivo das capas, que são esculturas espalhadas pela cidade de São Paulo.

01 Cibelle - Refazenda
02 Patricia Kaas - Mademoiselle chante le blues
03 St Germain - Watermelon man
04 Miriam Makeba - Liwawechi
05 Madredeus - O pastor
06 Flora Purim - I´ve got you under my skin
07 The Dynamics - Whole lotta love
08 Nana Mouskouri - Je chante avec toi, liberté (Nabuco, Verdi)
09 Grace Jones - Nightclubbing
10 Sarah Vaughan & Gotan Project - Whatever Lola wants
11 Eartha Kitt - Where is my man
12 Toufic Farroukh ft. Yasmine Hamdam - Lili s´en fout
13 John Lennon - Happy Christmas (War is over)
14 Prince - Sign´o the times
15 Maria Rita - Tá perdoado

"Madredeus - O pastor"

sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2010

World Muzzique - Vol. 2

01 Ada - Ishq Ada
02 Agricantus - Disiu
03 Sahid Ghilani - Prière
04 Turkish Delight - Love
05 Erkin Koray - Saskin
06 Adnan Sami Khan VS Sany - Dholki Bajo
07 Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Tu Mera Dil Tu Mera Jan
08 Natacha Atlas - Arabic
09 Setrak Sarkissan - Raksa Baladi
10 Mari Boine - Gula Gula
11 Hisham Abbas - Habibi Dah
12 Marsicano feat Ratnabali - Bombay Sapphire

"Ada - Ishq Ada"

John Lennon - Happy Christmas (War Is Over)

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard

Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard (Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 1743 — 1809) foi um pintor dinamarquês, cognominado “O Rafael do Norte”. Entre as suas maiores obras destaca-se: The Wounded Philoctetes, Sócrates, Júpiter pesando o destino dos homens, entre muitas outras obras.
A sua obra principal foi uma série de quadros grandiosos e de brilhante colorido consagrados à história da Europa.
Foi director da Academia de Belas Artes de Copenhagen, e nesta qualidade publicou numerosos escritos acerca da teoria e da história da arte.

The Wounded Philoctetes, 1775 - Statens Museum of Kunst

Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard (Copenhague 11 septembre 1743 – près de Frederiksdal 4 juin 1809) était un architecte, un peintre, dessinateur et décorateur danois.
Il compléta sa formation artistique en Italie (1772-1777) et joua un rôle important dans le développement du courant néoclassique au Danemark. Il manifesta des dons de coloriste et fit preuve d'un romantisme latent à travers une forme classicisante (portraits, esquisses de fresques). Il enseigna à L'Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Copenhague.

Hamlet shows his mother the ghost of his father, 1778 - Statens Museum of Kunst

Ossian sings his swan, 1782 - Statens Museum of Kunst

Adrastos slays himself on Atys´ tomb, 1776 - ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum

Portrait of Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard

sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

Maria Callas - Callas à Paris, Arias I


01 J´ai perdu mon Eurydice - Gluck - Orphée et Eurydice
02 Divinités du Styx - Gluck - Alceste
03 L´amour est un oiseau rebele - Bizet - Carmen
04 Près de remparts de Seville - Bizet - Carmen
05 Printemps qui commence - Saint Saëns - Samson et Dalila
06 Samson, recherchant ma présence...Amour! - Saint Saëns - Samson et Dalila
07 Mon coeur s´ouvre à ta voix - Saint Saëns - Samson et Dalila
08 Ah! Je veux vivre dans ce rêve - Gounod - Roméo et Juliette
09 Ah, pour ce soir...Je suis Titania - Thomas - Mignon
10 De cet affreux combat...Pleurez, mes yeux! - Massenet - Le Cid
11 Depuis le jour - Charpentier - Louise

"L´amour est un oiseau rebele"

Gal Costa - Le Gal


"Sua estupidez"

domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010

OSCAR - 1937


The Life of Emile Zola (Emile Zola) é um filme norte-americano de 1937, do gênero drama biográfico, dirigido por William Dieterle. 
O filme narra a ascensão do escritor francês Émile Zola e seu envolvimento na defesa do capitão Alfred Dreyfus, um militar condenado injustamente sob a acusão de traição apenas por ser judeu. Na verdade, ele passa a se interessar pelo caso somente quando procurado pela esposa de Dreyfus, e desafia os militares publicando J'accuse, um manifesto a favor do capitão.
Venceu nas categorias de melhor filme, melhor ator coadjuvante (Joseph Schildkraut) e melhor roteiro.
Indicado nas categorias de melhor ator principal (Paul Muni), melhor diretor, melhor direção de arte, melhor diretor assistente, melhor trilha sonora, melhor som e melhor história original.

Le film évoque la vie d´Émile Zola, écrivain français de renom, à partir du début de sa carrière littéraire jusqu'à sa mort. On y voit son ascension en tant qu'auteur, mais on se penche particulièrement sur l´affaire Dreyfus qui défraya les manchettes de la presse française à la fin du 19e siècle. Alfred Dreyfus est condamné et emprisonné injustement pour traîtrise. Émile Zola ira à sa défense, malgré l'impopularité que cette situation lui apportera.
The Life of Émile Zola is a 1937 American biographical film of famous French author Émile Zola. It depicts his friendship with noted painter Paul Cézanne, and his rise to fame through his prolific writing, with particular focus on his involvement in the Dreyfus affair. The film had its premiere at the Carthay Circle Theatre in Los Angeles and was a great success both critically and financially; contemporary reviews cited it as the best biographical film made up to that time. It is still held in high regard by many critics. It is the second biographical film to win the Oscar for Best Picture.
Struggling writer Émile Zola (Paul Muni) shares a drafty Paris attic with his friend, painter Paul Cézanne (Vladimir Sokoloff). A chance encounter with a street prostitute (Erin O'Brien-Moore) hiding from a police raid leads to his first bestseller, Nana, an exposé of the seamy underside of Parisian life. Other successful books follow. Zola becomes rich and famous; he marries Alexandrine (Gloria Holden) and settles down to a comfortable life in his mansion. One day, his old friend Cézanne, still poor and unknown, visits him before leaving the city. He tells Zola that he has become complacent, a far cry from the zealous reformer of his youth.
Meanwhile, a French secret agent steals a letter addressed to a military officer in the German embassy. The letter confirms there is a spy within the top French army staff. With little thought (and much antisemitism), the army commanders decide that Jewish Captain Alfred Dreyfus (Joseph Schildkraut) is the traitor. He is courtmartialed and imprisoned on Devil's Island in French Guyana.
Later, Colonel Picquart (Henry O'Neill), the new chief of intelligence, discovers evidence implicating Major Walsin-Esterhazy (Robert Barrat) as the spy, but he is ordered by his superiors to remain silent, as this revelation would embarrass them. He is quickly reassigned to a distant post.
Years go by. Finally, Dreyfus's loyal wife Lucie (Gale Sondergaard) pleads with Zola to take up her husband's cause. Zola is reluctant to give up his comfortable life, but the evidence she has brought him piques his curiosity and he recalls Cézanne's parting words. He publishes a letter in the newspaper accusing the army of covering up a monstrous injustice. Zola barely escapes from an angry mob incited by agents provocateurs employed by the military.
As he had expected, he is brought to trial for libel. His attorney, Maitre Labori (Donald Crisp) does his best, but the presiding judge refuses to allow him to bring up the Dreyfus affair and the military witnesses all commit perjury, with the exception of Picquart. Zola is found guilty and sentenced to a year in prison. He reluctantly accepts the advice of his friends and flees to England, where he continues to write on behalf of Dreyfus.
A new administration finally admits that Dreyfus is innocent, those responsible for the coverup are forced to resign or are dismissed, and Walsin-Esterhazy flees the country. However, Zola dies of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty stove the night before the public ceremony in which Dreyfus is exonerated.






Fala Mangueira (1968)


01 Enquanto houver Mangueira/Lá em Mangueira/Mundo de zinco
02 Tempos idos/Ao amanhecer/Alvorada no morro/Quem me vê sorrindo/Alegria
03 Lacrimário
04 Saudosa Mangueira
05 Sei lá, Mangueira
06 Rei vagabundo/A Mangueira me chama/Sempre Mangueira/Folhas caídas/Eu e as flores
07 Sabiá de Mangueira/Exaltação à Mangueira/Despedida de Mangueira

"Enquanto houver Mangueira/lá em Mangueira/Mundo de zinco

Sahara Lounge

Há até uma versão libanesa de Lili Marlene, com o título "Lili s´en fout"


01 Sharif - Shiraz (Iran-Usa)
02 Nabiha Yazbeck - Astahel (Lebanon)
03 Bahia El Idrissi - Arhil (Morocco)
04 Maya Nasri - Khallini Biljao (Lebanon)
05 Dahmane El Harrachi - Ya Rayah (Sonarremix) (Algeria)
06 Soap Kills - Dub4Me (Lebanon)
07 Nickodemus Ft. Carol C. - Cleopatra In New York (Zim Zam Mix) (Usa)
08 Yasser Habeeb - Elama (United Arab Emirates)
09 Ilhan Ersahin - Fly (Turkey)
10 Jasmon Ft. Mohammed Mounir - Hanina (Jasmon Mix) (Germany-Egypt)
11 Justin Adams - Desert Road (Uk)
12 Toufic Farroukh Ft. Yasmine Hamdam - Lili S'en Fout (Lebanon)

"Toufic Farroukh ft Yasmine Hamdam - Lili s´en fout"

domingo, 28 de novembro de 2010

sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010

Barry White - All-Time Greatest Hits

Escolhi as duas melhores faixas.


01 You´re the first, the last, my everything
02 It´s ecstasy when you lay down next to me

domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010

Leyla Gencer - Arias and Songs (1956 a 1974)

Leyla Gencer (pronuncia-se guêndjer) (10 de outubro de 1928, Istambul - 10 de maio de 2008, Milão), nascida Leyla Ceyrekgil, foi uma soprano turca que conquistou grande prestígio entre os anos 1950 e 80 e se tornou uma das mais famosas intérpretes e redescobridoras das óperas do Bel Canto.
Era filha de pai turco muçulmano, de família abastada da Anatólia e de mãe polonesa católica. Na juventude, viveu em uma mansão no Bósforo.



1. “Torna all’ospite tetto… Vieni o tu, che ognor io chiamo” Caterina Cornaro (Donizetti)
2. “E Sara… Vivi, ingrato” Roberto Devereux (Donizetti)
3. “ O nube che lieve” Maria Stuarda (Donizetti)
4. “ Come’e bello !” Lucrezia Borgia (Donizetti)
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino
G. Gavazzenni

5. “ D’amor sull’ali rosse” Il trovatore (Verdi)
6. “ Pace, pace, moi Dio – La Forza del Destino (Verdi)
7. “ O cieli azzuri” Aida (Verdi)
8. “ Addio del passato” La traviata (Verdi)
Orchestra Sinfonica RAI Torino
A. Basile

9. “ Zyczenie” (Chopin)
10. “ Dumka” (Chopin)
11. “ Wiosna” (Chopin)
12. “ Wojak” (Chopin)
13. “Il fervido desiderio” (Bellini)
14. “Dolente immagine di fille mia” (Bellini)
15. “Vaga luna che inargenti” (Bellini)
16. “La mère et l’enfant” (Donizetti)
17. “La corripondenza amorosa” (Donizetti)
18. “ mezzanotte” (Donizetti)
19. “La promessa” (Rossini)
20. “L’orgia” (Rossini)
21. “La danza” (Rossini)
Marcello Guerrini, piano
Date and place unknown

sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

Louise Abbéma

Matin d´avril
Élégante Place de la Concorde - Musée Carnavalet

Louise Abbéma (Etampes, França, 1853 - Paris, França, 1927) foi uma pintora francesa descendendo de Louise Contat, célebre atriz francesa, e do Conde Luís de Narbonne, ministro da guerra em 1791.

Louise Abbéma estreou no Salon de 1874 e não tardou a chamar a atenção pela franqueza e maleabilidade do seu talento. Produziu retratos, entre os quais se deve notar o de Paulo Mantz, Sarah Bernhardt, sua grande amiga e, dizem, sua amante. Entre suas obras estão pinturas decorativas, flores, aquarelas, medalhões e águas fortes.

Portrait de Sarah Bernhardt (1876)

Louise Abbéma (30 octobre 1853 à Étampes - 1927 à Paris) est une peintre française de la Belle Époque.
Elle fut élève de Charles Chaplin, de Jean-Jacques Henner et de Carolus-Duran. Elle eut un grand succès grâce à un portrait de Sarah Bernhardt, réalisé alors qu’elle avait 22 ans.
Elle exposa régulièrement au Salon des artistes français jusqu’en 1926, où elle reçut une mention honorable en 1881. Elle reçut la Légion d'honneur en 1906.
Elle travailla aussi pour plusieurs magazines d’art et illustra La Mer de René Maizeroy.
Elle reste surtout connue pour ses portraits de femmes de la haute société. Son style est conventionnel et ne reflète rien des courants créateurs de son époque, fondateurs de l'art moderne.

At the Piano - Private Collection

Abbéma was born in Étampes, Essonne. She began painting in her early teens, and studied under such notables of the period as Charles Joshua Chaplin, Jean-Jacques Henner and Carolus-Duran. She first received recognition for her work at age 23 when she painted a portrait of Sarah Bernhardt, her life-long friend and, many believe, her lover.
She went on to paint portraits of other contemporary notables, and also painted panels and murals which adorned the Paris Town Hall, the Paris Opera House, numerous theatres including the "Theatre Sarah Bernhardt", and the "Palace of the Colonial Governor" at Dakar, Senegal.
She was a regular exhibitor at the Paris Salon, where she received an honorable mention for her panels in 1881. Abbéma was also among the female artists whose works were exhibited in the Women's Building at the 1893 World Columbian Exposition in Chicago. A bust Sarah Bernhardt sculpted of Abbéma was also exhibited at the exposition.
Abbéma specialized in oil portraits and watercolors, and many of her works showed the influence from Chinese and Japanese painters, as well as contemporary masters such as Édouard Manet. She frequently depicted flowers in her works. Among her best known works are The Seasons, April Morning, Place de la Concorde, Among the Flowers, Winter, and portraits of actress Jeanne Samary, Emperor Dom Pedro II of Brazil, Ferdinand de Lesseps, and Charles Garnier.
Abbéma was also an accomplished printmaker, sculptor, and designer, as well as a writer who made regular contributions to the journals Gazette des Beaux-Arts and L'Art.
Among the many honors conferred upon Abbéma was nomination as "Official Painter of the Third Republic." She was also awarded a bronze medal at the 1900 Exposition Universelle and in 1906 made a Chevalier of the Order of the Légion d'honneur.
Abbéma died in Paris in 1927. At the end of the 20th century, as contributions by women to the arts in past centuries received more critical and historical attention, her works have been enjoying a renewed popularity.
Louise Abbéma - Self-portrait

quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

Flash Muzzique

01 Survivor - Eye of the tiger
02 Prince - When doves cry
03 Huey Lewis And The News - The power of love
04 Tina Turner - What´s the love got to do with it
05 Abba - Take a chance on me
06 Grace Jones - That´s the trouble
07 Donna Summer - Last dance
08 Everything But The Girl - Missing
09 INXS - I need you tonight
10 Rose Royce - Car wash
11 Sylvester - Dance
12 Stereo MC´s - Step it up

"Prince - When doves cry"

terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010

Oh Fortuna - Carmina Burana

O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.
Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velata
michi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.
Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem.

domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010

Frank Sinatra - My way


And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full -
I've travelled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets? I've had a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course -
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way -
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it my way.

For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way.

sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010

Lounge du Monde


01 Cosmos Sound Club - Les Chrysanthemes
02 Major Boys ft Aurelia - Sous le soleil
03 Marsicano - Eter
04 Ekova - Straight in Daden
05 Cesária Évora - Carnaval de São Vicente
06 Nickodemus - Desert dancer
07 Mari Boine - Gula Gula
08 Dzihan & Kamien - Streets os Istanbul
09 St Germain - Sure thing
10 Opium - Jade Or
11 Mo´Horizons - Foto viva
12 Prem Joshua - Funky guru

"Nickodemus - Desert dancer"

quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

John White Alexander


John White Alexander (7 October 1856 – 31 May 1915) was an American portrait, figure, and decorative painter and illustrator.
He was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, now a part of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Orphaned in infancy, he was reared by his grandparents and at the age of 12 became a telegraph boy in Pittsburgh. His talent at drawing attracted the attention of one of his employers, who assisted him to develop them. He moved to New York at the age of eighteen and worked in an office at Harper's Weekly, where he was an illustrator and political cartoonist. After an apprenticeship of three years, he travelled to Munich for his first formal training. Owing to the lack of funds, he removed to the village of Polling, Bavaria. He travelled to Venice and then he continued his studies in Florence, the Netherlands, and Paris.
In 1881 he returned to New York and speedily achieved great success in portraiture. His first exhibition in the Paris Salon of 1893 was a brilliant success and was followed by his immediate election to the Société Nationale des Beaux Arts.
John White Alexander died in New York on 31 May 1915.
Many of his paintings are in museums and public places in the United States and in Europe, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Art Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Butler Institute, and the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. In addition, in the entrance hall to the Art Museum of the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh, a series of Alexander's murals entitled "Apotheosis of Pittsburgh" (1905–1907) covers the walls of the three-storey atrium area.

Isabella and the Pot of Basil, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,  USA

Il commença sa carrière en 1875 comme illustrateur au Harper's Weekly avant de partir pour l'Europe (1877), Il se lia avec Whistler, dont l'influence sur son style est manifesté.
C'est alors en effet qu'Alexander évolue d'une matière épaisse, empâtée, vers une touche plus fine et une couleur plus étale. De retour aux États-Unis en 1881, il continua à travailler pour le Harper's, et devint parallèlement un portraitiste renommé).
Il habita Paris de 1890 à 1901, fréquentant Rodin, H. James, O. Wilde ou Mirbeau, et y fut en contact avec le Symbolisme et l'Art nouveau. 

Panel for Music Room, Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan, USA

John White Alexander (1856 - 1915)

terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

Dead Can Dance - A Passage in Time (1998)

Compilation of this Australian band. As the title sugests, this album was a "passage in time" to let the  audience catches up with the band´s previous albuns, via selected song. The contents comes predominatly from their 2nd to 5th albuns.


"The song of the Sybil"

Joan Sutherland

A cantora de ópera australiana Joan Sutherland, conhecida como "La Stupenda" por sua legião de fãs, morreu aos 83 anos na Suíça, anunciou na segunda-feira (11/10/10) sua gravadora Decca.
Sua família disse que a soprano, certa vez considerada pelo tenor italiano Luciano Pavarotti "a maior voz do século", morreu em paz nas primeiras horas do domingo depois de sofrer longamente de uma doença.
A cantora estreou nos palcos em 1951 e, ao longo de uma carreira ilustre que abrangeu 40 anos, apresentou-se em muitos dos maiores teatros de ópera do mundo.
Sua última aparição no palco foi em 31 de dezembro de 1989, no Royal Opera House de Londres, cantando "Die Fledermaus" ao lado de Pavarotti.
Depois de se aposentar dos palcos, ela continuou ativa, ensinando cantores mais jovens, e se tornou presença constante em júris de concursos de cantores em todo o mundo.

Joan Sutherland , en français.

domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010

MARRS - Pump Up The Volume

Três versões de um clássico das pistas.

01 Pump up the volume - Extended version
02 Pump up the volume - Radio edit
03 Pump up the volume - Rare version

"Rare version"

domingo, 3 de outubro de 2010

OSCAR - 1935


Mutiny on the Bounty (O Grande Motim) é um filme estadunidense de 1935, do gênero drama, dirigido por Frank Lloyd, com roteiro baseado no romance homônimo de autoria de Charles Nordhoff e James Norman Hall, de 1932, por sua vez baseado num caso real.
O filme relata a história verídica, ocorrida em 1789, de Fletcher Christian, que comandou um motim no navio inglês Bounty, por não concordar com a forma severa com que seu capitão, William Blight, os comandava.
Este acontecimento provocou uma reformulação na forma como os capitães da marinha britânica passaram a comandar seus navios.
É o único filme de toda a histórias dos Oscars que os 3 atores principais foram nomeados para o título de melhor ator. Nenhum ganhou.
Charles Laughton .... capitão William Bligh
Clark Gable .... tenente Fletcher Christian
Franchot Tone .... Roger Bryan

Pour des informations en français cliquez ici .

Informations in english click here .




Cazuza - Ideologia

domingo, 26 de setembro de 2010

Moby - Best

01 Why does my heart feel so bad
02 Beautiful
03 Dream about me
04 Extreme ways
05 Go
06 Honey
07 In this world
08 Natural blues
09 Porcelain
10 South side
11 We are all made out of stars
12 Wait for me
13 Extreme ways (DJ Tiestos)

"Extreme ways"

Extreme ways are back again
Extreme places I didn't know
I broke everything new again
Everything that I'd owned
I threw it out the windows, came along
Extreme ways I know move apart
The colors of my sea
Perfect color me

Extreme ways that help me
That help me out late at night
Extreme places I had gone
But never seen any light
Dirty basements, dirty noise
Dirty places coming through
Extreme worlds alone

Did you ever like it planned
I would stand in line for this
There's always room in life for this

Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby

Like it always does, always does
Extreme songs that told me
They helped me down every night
I didn't have much to say
I didn't give up the light
I closed my eyes and closed myself
And closed my world and never opened
Up to anything

That could get me at all
I had to close down everything
I had to close down my mind
Too many things to cover me
Too much can make me blind
I've seen so much in so many places
So many heartaches, so many faces
So many dirty things
You couldn't even believe
I would stand in line for this
It's always good in life for this

Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Then it fell apart, it fell apart
Oh baby, oh baby
Like it always does, always does

Nina Simone - Ain´t got no - I got life

domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

Portrait of a woman

Portrait of the writer Leo Tolstoy

Girl with a tress

Christ in the desert - Tretyakov Gallery

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi (1837 – 1887) was a Russian painter and art critic. He was the intellectual leader of the Russian democratic art movement in 1860-1880.
Kramskoi came from a poor petty-bourgeois family. From 1857 to 1863 he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts; he reacted against academic art, and he was an initiator of the "revolt of fourteen" which ended with an expulsion from the Academy of arts of its graduates.
Under the influence of ideas of the Russian revolutionary democrats Kramskoi asserted representation about a high public duty of artist, principles of realism, moral substance and a nationality of art. He created gallery of portraits of the largest Russian writers, scientific, artists and public figures in which expressive simplicity of a composition, clearness of figure emphasize the leading part of the profound psychological characteristic. Democratic sights of Kramskoi found the brightest expression in portraits of the peasants who reflected sincere riches and internal advantage of the person from people.
Kramskoi treated a religious plot in moral–philosophical plan. He gave the Christ dramatic experiences deeply psychological vital interpretation, idea of heroic self-sacrifice. One of Kramskoi’s most well known paintings is Christ in the Desert (1872, Tretyakov gallery).
