It Happened One Night (Aconteceu naquela noite) é um filme estadunidense de 1934, do gênero comédia romântica, dirigido por Frank Capra e com roteiro baseado em história de Samuel Hopkins Adams.
Foi o primeiro filme a conquistar as cinco categorias mais importantes do prêmio Oscar: filme, diretor, ator, atriz e roteiro.
A filha de um milionário sai de casa quando seu pai não permite que ela se case com seu pretendente playboy. Nessa fuga, ela encontra um jornalista sem futuro, porém charmoso, e os acontecimentos que seguem farão com que eles se aproximem. Com Clark Gable (Peter Warne) e Claudette Colbert (Ellie Andrews).
Nesse filme tem uma cena famosa na qual a atriz principal pede carona mostrando suas pernas.
Em 1996, o prêmio Oscar ganho por Clark Gable por sua atuação neste filme foi posto à venda em um leilão e o diretor Steven Spielberg, de forma anônima, comprou-o e o entregou à Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas de Los Angeles, para evitar que a estatueta fosse usada em caráter comercial.
Constance Bennett e
Myrna Loy recusaram o papel de Ellie Andrews, e Claudette Colbert somente o aceitou porque o diretor Frank Capra prometeu dobrar o seu salário.
Claudette Colbert não gostou do filme e não ia participou da cerimônia de entrega do Oscar pois pretendia viajar. Porém, quando soube que havia ganho prêmio de melhor atriz, dirigiu-se rapidamente ao local vestindo a roupa com que iria viajar.
Jugé trop insolent, Peter Warne est congédié du journal qui l'emploie. Pendant ce temps, la riche Ellie Andrews, jeune fille gâtée dont le père milliardaire, Alexander Andrews, refuse qu'elle épouse l'homme de ses rêves, King Westley, s'échappe de l'emprise de son père en se sauvant du yacht dans lequel il l'avait séquestrée, pour aller rejoindre le play-boy aviateur avec qui elle s'est secrètement fiancée. Alexander lance des détectives sur les traces de sa fille mais les recherches sont infructueuses.
Peter Warne et Ellie Andrews se rencontrent dans un autocar reliant Miami à New York. D'abord attiré par le scoop et éventuellement la récompense qu'il pourrait obtenir, Peter ne quitte plus sa nouvelle compagne de voyage qui vient en outre de se faire voler tout l'argent qu'elle transportait sur elle. Faute de moyens, c'est donc en auto-stop qu'ils poursuivent, étape par étape, leur route vers New York Après maintes péripéties au cours desquelles ils doivent se faire passer pour un couple légitime et ainsi dormir dans la même chambre, seulement séparés par une couverture "le mur de Jéricho", ils finissent par s'éprendre l'un de l'autre.
Alors qu'Ellie est endormie, Peter lui fausse compagnie pour aller vendre son histoire au journal et ainsi tenter d'arracher de l'argent à son rédacteur en chef qui lui permettrait d'épouser Ellie. Dépitée, se croyant trahie, cette dernière retourne chez son père qui accepte enfin qu'elle se marie avec King Westley. Toutefois, au dernier moment, Ellie comprend qu'elle ne pourra vivre sans Peter. Elle abandonne alors l'aviateur et le mur de Jéricho s'effondre...
It Happened One Night is a 1934 American comedy film with elements of screwball comedy directed by Frank Capra, in which a pampered socialite (Claudette Colbert) tries to get out from under her father's thumb, and falls in love with a roguish reporter (Clark Gable). The plot was based on the story Night Bus by Samuel Hopkins Adams, which provided the shooting title.
The film was the first to win all five major Academy Awards (Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, and Screenplay), a feat that would not be matched until One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) and later by The Silence of the Lambs (1991). It was remade as a 1956 musical comedy, You Can't Run Away from It, starring Jack Lemmon and June Allyson.
Spoiled heiress Ellen "Ellie" Andrews (Claudette Colbert) marries fortune-hunter "King" Westley (Jameson Thomas) against the wishes of her extremely wealthy father (Walter Connolly). He retrieves his daughter before the marriage can be consummated, but then she runs away. Boarding a bus to New York City, she meets fellow passenger Peter Warne (Clark Gable), an out-of-work newspaper reporter. He recognizes her and gives her a choice: if she will give him an exclusive on her story he will help her reunite with Westley. If not he will tell her father where she is and collect the reward. Ellie agrees to the first choice.
When they have to hitchhike, Peter claims to be an expert on the subject. When nothing he tries works, out of frustration, he eventually ends up thumbing his nose at passing cars. The sheltered Ellie then shows him how it's done. She stops the next car dead in its tracks by lifting up her skirt and showing off a shapely leg.
One night, when they are nearing the end of their journey, Peter leaves to make some arrangements. The owners of the motel in which they are staying see that his car is gone and assume he has left without paying. They rouse Ellie out of bed and kick her out. Believing Peter has deserted her, Ellie calls her father, who is so relieved to get her back that he agrees to let her have her way. Ellie has fallen in love with Peter, but she thinks he betrayed her for the reward money, so she agrees to have a second, formal wedding with Westley. Meanwhile, Peter believes he is the one who has been double-crossed.
Peter gets in touch with Ellie's father to settle up. Mr. Andrews offers him the large reward promised, but Peter will have none of it. He just wants to be paid $39.60 for the expenses incurred on the trip. Intrigued, the father badgers the reporter until he gets the truth: Peter loves Ellie (though he thinks he is out of his mind to do so). Peter leaves with the check he asked for.
While walking his daughter down the aisle, Andrews tells her what he has found out and encourages her to run off again, telling her there is a car waiting for her out back; at the very last moment, when asked whether she takes this man, she escapes again. Her father pays Westley to have the marriage annulled, enabling Ellie to marry Peter.